When ABS grows, so do you. Not your ordinary IMO! This is your IMO! ABS is spending thousands of dollars to generate large amounts of traffic to our website. Hundreds of agents will be joining ABS. All agents coming in will be assigned to an active ABS's agents down line. When you join: Each agent will have the same contract of top street or GA level commission with every company, every product.ABS will then share their overrides to compensate agents over and above their base commission. Each agent will have an expense account to pay for leads, other expenses or personal use. See "Money for Expenses". First: Every agent will receive a nice bonus over their GA commission on personal production, every product. Products include life, annuities, LTC, DI, Med Supp and more. Second: ABS will pay recruiter fees/overrides on five levels of agents in your down line. Third: Agents will receive a recruiter fee/bonus on agents that you and ABS recruited on your line one. This will be similar to your personal production bonus. See example below. Fourth: Agents will receive recruiter fees/overrides on levels 2-5 agents that ABS again will recruit with you to build your down line. Fifth: What makes ABS unique and work is the "Qualifying Member" program. What makes ABS unique and work for everyone is that we ask for a pledge, a "serious commitment", of everyone to always maintain a status as a "Qualifying Member" by producing at least a small amount of business of at least $300 "every month" which is only $3,600 annual commissionable premium. Writing a monthly premium of $25 on a term or whole life policy at 100% commission is $300 commission for the month. You can't live on that anywhere, but at ABS. Look at the charts below. Now, let's see a couple of examples of how the new AGENCY BUILDER SYSTEM will work for you. In the first example you and ABS recruit 5 agents on your line1 and every agent in your down line along with ABS recruit 3 agents on their line1 and everyone produces $300 a month in commissionable premium. ABS has several companies that will pay you 100% GA life commission. ABS adds 28% over this amount for bonus commission and recruiting overrides. The writing agent (You) earns 10% as a bonus and 18% goes into the override account. If you recruited 5 agents and they all recruited 3 agents and each of the agents in your down line made one sale each month for only $300 you would earn over $4,000 a month. That's why you must always maintain a status of "Qualifying Member".
In the 2nd example you and ABS recruit 5 agents and every agent in your down line along with ABS recruit 3 agents and everyone produces $2,000 a month in commissionable premium.
OR = Overrides What makes ABS unique and work for everyone is that we ask for a pledge, a "serious commitment", of everyone to always maintain a status as a "Qualifying Member" by producing at least a small amount of business of at least $300 "every month" which would be only $3,600 annual commissionable premium. In other words, to be a "Qualifying Member" of ABS and earn your recruiting fees/overrides you must produce at least $300 "every month" or $3,600 annually. We want every agent joining ABS to make more money by taking this commitment seriously. You must do your part or you let your team down. We take this commitment so seriously that we will ask everyone to sign a pledge to produce at least $300 "every month" or $3,600 annually. Remember …Everyone has the same commission, bonus & recruiter fees/overrides from agents they recruit that you have. In other words, what you see for yourself you will offer the same to the agents you recruit. Makes it easy to recruit! You earn a bonus on the first dollar of commission you write/place. You will receive a monthly statement showing your bonuses and recruiter fess/overrides with the names of your agents... 5 levels